smart people using Report Clarity and winning

Your Data Dashboard
Connect, Report, Share

Your spreadsheet is seconds away from becoming profitable for your business.


Impress in seconds

Designed to get you up and running with managing your data in immediately.

Create Simple and Calculated Reports

You can take one of more data feeds and combine them into one report with calculations.

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Collaborate within your Organization

Space and permissions to share your reports with other organization users.

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Update, Share, and Print Reports

You may share your reports as a webpage embed, PDF, or even as an API

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Profit from your data

Dust off your company data and begin to use it in order to plot your next moves. Monitor the results of your activites to course-correct. Share proprietary data with key partners.

Quickly illustrate your data for a meeting.
Tools are available for you to prepare for data-backed statements and illustrations for meetings.
Share data safely.
Embed reports into other websites or share the authenticated API for other uses.
Calculated reports for clarity.
Data can come from many places and be calculated or combined on a Calculated Report. You may always import new raw data to the sources.
Product screenshot


Connect with spreadsheets & APIs

Import your own spreasheets as a data source, or have us integrate the APIs you're using during onboarding.

App screenshot
Push to deploy.
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit aute id magna.
SSL certificates.
Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure qui lorem cupidatat commodo.
Simple queues.
Ac tincidunt sapien vehicula erat auctor pellentesque rhoncus.
Advanced security.
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit aute id magna.
Powerful API.
Anim aute id magna aliqua ad ad non deserunt sunt. Qui irure qui lorem cupidatat commodo.
Database backups.
Ac tincidunt sapien vehicula erat auctor pellentesque rhoncus.

Gravida quam mi erat tortor neque molestie. Auctor aliquet at porttitor a enim nunc suscipit tincidunt nunc. Et non lorem tortor posuere. Nunc eu scelerisque interdum eget tellus non nibh scelerisque bibendum.

Judith Black
Director of Training

Frequently asked questions

I don't know, but the flag is a big plus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas cupiditate laboriosam fugiat.

Boost your productivity. Start using our app today.

Ac euismod vel sit maecenas id pellentesque eu sed consectetur. Malesuada adipiscing sagittis vel nulla.

App screenshot